Thursday, December 3, 2009

Parents Expectation, Children's Burden.Agree??or??Don't Agree??

      Parents always wanted their children to be good. They expect their children to be perfect in nearly every section..such as education, sports, social, even fashion. They wanted their children to be as clever as the Digi fit as national handsome/ beautiful as the korean actor/ actress.Thus, parents always compare their children with other people, which i don't really agree and actually hates.
      Parents always have high expectation to their children and sometimes, it doesn't make any sense. They expect a small kid to be independence like an adult??If the kid refuse to do so.ends up with strips on the body(canned).
      Parents should not having high expectation on their children. They should have expect them through the children's abilities.We teenagers need more caring, loving and attention from the parents.Teenagers don't like to be judge or being scold like a dog or whatever. Parents should have spend more time with their children so that the children won't feel like abandoned or left out. Try to care about other subject other than education. Don't push too much in education or else..ends up a nerdy child.
(to be continue)