Wednesday, June 9, 2010

~City Life and Friends~

College life is great but creepy and rushing. Anything can happen in anytime, just like the rain.
Sometimes i found it scary too.
I am really really tired of the rush hours, trafiq jams, sleepless nights, and high daily expenses here.
Everyday i am thinking about what should i eat (considering the prices), what time can i finish my studies, homeworks, assignments etc. instead of thinking what time should i sleep. Everyday i am thinking about my final exam, can i get 65and above for all my subject?? to get the next 30% discount for next semester tuition fees. See that??IS everyday..EVERYDAY!!!!
City Life is what it is..
college life is fun and mysterious too. Everyone in city is like a box, you have to open it to know what is inside.
My college buddies and friends are cool, friendly, open minded and fun. Although sometimes they used quite a lot of money, like bowling and lunch in pyramid, but they are all very nice person who are dependable. Some of them help me a lot in my studies, some of them make us laugh, some of them have loads of planning to share, some of them help me when i'm down.
This called Friends.

I know this two topic doesn't relate to each other..but this is what it came out from my mind after i woke up from nap.



  1. hey bro...
    don't ever give up and like i always say, remember that He is always there for you...
    also, you have many friends back home too... anytime just can find us (or me, others i dunno lah =P), don't care is middle of the night or middle of taking a shower... sure pick up de~!
    gambateh kudasai~!

  2. thanks alot..
    but all i wish is little encouragement from my parents..jux a little bit will do..

  3. Hi Andrew,
    It looks like you learning to adapt to college & city life. It is very challenging but exciting too. Now your network of friends is growing and you are experiencing new things!

    Do your best! Enjoy and celebrate life and the beautiful things life has to offer.
